Monitor all daily corporate press releases and government filings, harvesting relevant data
for stocks in the indexes.
Market news events that we track include:
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Dividend announcements. |
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Any change in the number of outstanding and floating shares, e.g., due to a split, merger/acquisition, or buyback. |
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Index composition news: stock addition/deletions and quarterly index rebalancings. |
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Earnings and business prospects news that alter our dividend coverage database. |
Analyze each dividend announcement for any change in a company's policy (amounts and date patterns) by its
board of directors. |
Update our main database, which is leased to customers, for any changes in dividend history/forecasts,
total outstanding and floating shares, and sector data. |
Update our auxiliary, helper databases: these include our expected dividend announcement schedule,
daily index arbitrage trigger levels, yield curve data,
splits calendar, corporate finance changes (buybacks, debt/equity swaps, pending merger/acquisitions, etc.),
and our electronic Rolodex of V.P. of Investor Relations for index stocks. |
Run our suite of programs that cross-check the data for consistency and reasonableness, flagging
suspicious items for manual review. |
As necessary, telephone a company's V.P. Investor Relations to resolve any otherwise unsolvable issue. |
Produce the daily IndexArb and Institutional Subscriber websites. |